Police Disperse Protesters at Virginia Commonwealth University


Police in riot gear used pepper spray and tear gas to break up an anti-Israel encampment at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) on Monday night.

Multiple arrests were made after protesters earlier in the day began setting up outside VCU’s James Branch Cabell Library, WRIC reported.

“Pro-Hamas Supporters and other Demonstrators gathered at the Cabell Library Building within Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, have begun to finally Disperse after several Clashes with State and Local Police as well the Destruction of their Encampment,” Open Source Intelligence Monitor posted on X late Monday night.

Protesters had put up tents and established what they called a “Liberation Zone.” They called for VCU to divest all ties with Israel and advocated for the “liberation of Palestine,” according to the protest’s student leader, WRIC reported.

Police in riot gear moved in on the protesters soon after 8:30 p.m. following a VCU alert calling the protest “violent” and an unlawful assembly was declared, the outlet reported.

Virginia State Police and Richmond Police Department were seen among the law enforcement members.

Officers forced protesters to the ground and bound their hands with zip ties, WRIC reported. Some demonstrators were seen tossing water bottles at officers.

The outlet said it was not known how many people had been arrested.

A state school, VCU’s property is considered public. Richmond’s City Code states that people cannot “camp, lay or sleep on, near or about any public lands or structures belonging to or under control of the city after 11 p.m.” unless they receive special permission, WRIC reported.

A VCU official also told CNN that the demonstration “violated several university policies.”

“VCU respectfully and repeatedly provided opportunities for those individuals involved – many of whom were not students — to collect their belongings and leave. Those who did not leave were subject to arrest for trespassing,” the university said, CNN reported.

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