R.I. Diocese ‘Disappointed’ in Walz’s Appearance at Catholic College


The Diocese of Providence called Salve Regina University’s decision to host Democrat vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz for a fundraiser surprising and disappointing.

The Diocese “does not permit Catholic institutions in Rhode Island to endorse candidates for office nor even give the appearance of such endorsements,” Michael Kieloch, spokesperson for the Diocese of Providence, said in a statement according to the Boston Globe.

“We were surprised and disappointed by the decision of Salve Regina University to rent space to a partisan political event and fundraiser and we’ve received a number of messages from Catholics across Rhode Island expressing the same surprise and disappointment.”

Walz last week raised $600,000 for the Harris-Walz campaign at the event.

A Salve Regina University spokesperson said the venue was chosen by the Rhode Island Democratic Party Committee “based on availability for their selected date, time and anticipated capacity.”

“As an academic institution, the University fully supports freedom of speech as a cornerstone of democracy,” the spokesperson said. “As our mission calls us to do, we support productive and meaningful dialogue across our differences as we work toward a world that is more harmonious, just and merciful.”

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