Rep. Cole Is Front-Runner to Chair Appropriations Committee

Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., has emerged as the front-runner to chair the powerful House Appropriations Committee, which is responsible for funding most of the federal government.

Cole, who chairs the Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation and HUD, is the only member running for the position, Roll Call reported Thursday.

Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas, who is not seeking re-election, is stepping down early as chair of the panel. Cole, chair of the House Rules Committee, reportedly has lined up support from nine of the other 11 Appropriations subcommittee chairs.

Rep. Robert Aderholt, R-Ala., is considering making a bid for the post, according to Roll Call, which added he could position himself as a more conservative alternative.

Still, Cole, 74, is seen as the heavy favorite, with Roll Call reporting he has been angling for the post for years.

“He is the most capable, and the most prepared,” said Rep. Steve Womack, R-Ark., who sits on the Transportation and HUD subcommittee with Cole, “There’s not even a close second, in my opinion.”

Cole described himself as a “budget hawk” in his statement announcing his bid for the chairman’s post.

“I believe in stretching our budget’s dollars as far as we can, but I also recognize there are critical needs and challenges that must be funded if our great nation is going to be protected, preserved and improved,” he said. “However, as chairman, I will ensure that, in doing this, we are not wasting and abusing.”

Granger has asked the GOP Steering Committee and the rest of the conference to elect a new chair “as soon as possible.” Politico reported. Granger said she plans to serve out the remainder of her term in the House and serve as “chair emeritus.”

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