Rep. Miller-Meeks to Newsmax: Mask Mandates Not Based on Science

On Newsmax Saturday, Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, R-Iowa, voiced her concerns over Dr. Anthony Fauci’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Democratic Party’s willing acceptance of authoritarianism.

Appearing on “America Right Now,” Miller-Meeks, who is an ophthalmologist, said the 6-foot social-distancing rule and mask mandates were not based on science and caused significant damage to businesses, children, and society.

“Well, the 6-foot rule, the mask mandates, the vaccine mandates. And even now, they’re only reluctantly admitting” it, she said.

They’re “now admitting there was no science behind any of that, even among vaccines in young people. You know, two people left the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] over the expert board’s recommendations for vaccines and young people.

“And there was never a mention of the risk or benefits to young people of getting the vaccine, when, for the most part, young people were not at risk of serious illness,” she added.

Fauci’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic shows “how readily the Democratic Party and people are to accept authoritarianism,” Miller-Meeks said.

“When we had, 80 years ago, fought to end authoritarianism, overreach of the federal government, and restriction of our liberties of freedom, we fought for that as a nation,” she said, comparing the pandemic to battle on D-Day.

Miller-Meeks, a member of the House subcommittee on the coronavirus, said she had interviewed the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases multiple times over the years. She accused him of denying “infection and acquired immunity” during subcommittee hearings when Democrats were in charge.

“He has denied his culpability. As you heard, these were word games,” she said, referencing emails that allegedly aimed to diminish the lab leak theory.

“We have emails that show that they put forth proximal origins, which was to diminish the lab leak theory, and that probably, in all likelihood, is because the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), under Dr. Fauci, funded gain-of-function research,” she added.

Further addressing the issue of gain-of-function research, the Army veteran said, “To do these word semantics on gain-of-function research, I just want to remind people that the NIH, NIAID website had a definition of gain-of-function up until October 2021 that is exactly consistent with what Sen. Rand Paul and we have said.”

Miller-Meeks expressed her frustration with the Democratic Party’s defense of Fauci, saying Democrats gave “excuse after excuse” in the hearing “for what Dr. Fauci did, instead of acknowledging that if we don’t bring to light all of these errors and egregious actions, they will do the same thing in the next pandemic.”

She called for accountability, stating, “So we’re looking to hold him culpable. We think that there is evidence of perjury. That’s why he’s doing these word games and semantics. It reminds me very much of President Bill Clinton when he said, ‘It depends on what the definition of is, is.’”


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