Rep. Tenney to Newsmax: 51 Former Intel Officers ‘Knowingly’ Lied

Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., told Newsmax on Saturday that the 51 former intelligence officers who dismissed the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation should “not only lose their security clearance, they should be tried for knowingly lying in an attempt to interfere with the election and take down the president of the United States.”

On Oct. 14, 2020, news broke of a laptop belonging to President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden that contained emails about his family’s foreign business dealings and photographs detailing his lifestyle. Five days later, 51 former intelligence officials signed an open letter saying that the laptop had “all the earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

Now, almost four years later, the FBI admitted in court this week that the laptop and its contents were authentic.

Tenney, who serves on the House Ways and Means Committee noted that not only were none of the 51 former intelligence officers punished, many still have security clearance and at least one has a job on television.

“Well, one of those people was actually John Brennan, who now is a commentator on CNN.  All of these people should be tried for knowingly putting out a false statement. That is actionable under Section 1001 of our federal code,” she said during an appearance on “Saturday Report.”

Tenney concluded by illustrating how damaging the laptop lie was for the United States.

“They did polling showing that if people had known about the contents of the laptop they wouldn’t have voted for Joe Biden. And this election [of 2020] was decided by about 44,000 votes in three swing states, and that’s all it took to destroy our country. So this is a really serious situation and a complete travesty to our system of justice.”


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