Rep. Waltz to Newsmax: Trump Ends Ukraine War on Oil, Sanctions, Diplomacy

Former President Donald Trump has a clear strategy for ending the Ukraine war, according to Rep. Mike Waltz, R-Fla., who outlined the approach in a Tuesday interview, emphasizing energy dominance, strict sanctions on Russia, and diplomatic pressure on Ukraine.

On Newsmax’sPrime News,” Waltz discussed how former President Donald Trump would approach ending the ongoing war in Ukraine, contrasting it with the current administration’s handling of international conflicts.

Waltz criticized the Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, calling it the “original sin” that sent a message of American retreat to the world. “That despicable debacle, which happened three years ago this week, signaled to the world that America was in retreat,” Waltz said. He emphasized how this event damaged America’s global standing and emboldened adversaries.

Reflecting on Trump’s strategy, Waltz pointed out that the former president would take a significantly different approach to the Ukraine conflict.

“What would President Trump do to end the Ukraine war? Well, I’ll tell you what he would do: unleash American oil and gas on the global market. He would drive down the price of oil,” Waltz explained. According to him, Trump would focus on undermining Russia’s financial stability by lowering global oil prices, a strategy designed to weaken one of Russia’s main economic lifelines.

Waltz also mentioned that Trump would rigorously enforce sanctions on Russia with the goal of bringing them to the negotiating table. “He will actually enforce the sanctions on Russia until they came to the table,” Waltz stated. Additionally, Trump would pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy by ending the “blank check” of U.S. financial support until Ukraine engages in serious negotiations to end the conflict.

“Trump will be focused on ending the war, not just pouring billions of our taxpayer dollars into it, while Europe gets relatively a free ride,” Waltz continued, highlighting Trump’s intention to make European allies share more of the burden.

He also noted Trump’s success in the Middle East, citing the defeat of ISIS, the breaking of Iran’s influence, and the Abraham Accords as examples of Trump’s effective foreign policy.

Waltz concluded by expressing his concern about the immediate future, emphasizing the importance of having Trump back as commander-in-chief. “But I’m worried about the next six [three] months,” he said, reflecting on the uncertainties ahead under the current administration.


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