Sen. Cruz to Newsmax: Biden, Dems ‘Funded the Death Squads’ on Oct. 7

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaking with Newsmax’s John Huddy, accused President Joe Biden and Democrats of having “funded the death squads” that attacked Israel on Oct. 7, and of funding “the war that’s been waged against Israel every day since then.”

“It’s indisputable,” he argued in his interview, recorded in Normandy, France, airing Sunday during Newsmax‘s “Sunday Agenda,” adding that $100 billion has flowed to Iran, the state sponsor of Hamas in recent years because of the Biden administration.

The largest amount was the $80 billion from Biden refusing to enforce oil sanctions against Iran that were put in place under former President Donald Trump, with another $6 billion spent in ransom for five American prisoners and $10 billion in assets that were unfrozen.

“[Before] Joe Biden came into office, the Trump administration had vigorously enforced oil sanctions at my urging, and oil exports had plummeted from a million barrels a day, all the way down to 300,000 barrels a day,” said Cruz. “Joe Biden came into office and the Iranian economy was on its knees. The Ayatollah was teetering and could very well have fallen, and Joe Biden and the Democrats immediately stopped enforcing those sanctions.”

As a result, Iran’s oil revenues skyrocketed and it is now selling more than 2 million barrels of oil a day, he said.

“That’s $80 billion, and that money, in a very direct sense, funded those death squads,” Cruz said.

Meanwhile, the United States must do all that is necessary to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons, as those weapons “would be used to murder Americans,” said Cruz, adding that he fears that if Iran has a nuclear weapon, “the risks are far too high that we will discover it with a mushroom cloud above the skies of Tel Aviv or New York or Los Angeles. When the Ayatollah says ‘Death to America and death to Israel,’ I believe him.”

The senator, speaking after the Israeli military’s rescue of four hostages in Gaza, said the mission reflected the “extraordinary heroism of the IDF [Israel Defense Force].”

“This was not an easy operation and to go into Gaza to get them out, to rescue four hostages alive is incredibly important,” Cruz said.

The United States, he added, should “unshakably” have Israel’s back as it continues with its mission to eliminate and destroy Hamas, said Cruz.

However, he accused Biden of presiding in the “most anti-Israel White House we have ever seen.”

Meanwhile, Cruz praised the 80th anniversary celebration of the D-Day invasion, commenting that the most powerful part was getting to meet the heroes from that day.

“They’re strong and they’re humble,” he said. “When you talk, when you’re in the presence of a hero, it takes your breath away. And I’ve had this conversation a dozen times where all of them say the same thing. They say, ‘I didn’t do anything. The heroes are the ones lying under the white crosses out there. The heroes are my buddies that I left on that beach.’ “

He also reflected on visiting Omaha Beach, the site of so many deaths on June 6, 1944.

“The first wave at D-Day, 92% of the soldiers died,” he said. “They came out of those boats immediately into hellfire. We went on a Blackhawk helicopter along the cliffs of Normandy. When you look at those white cliffs that those boys scaled and look, they were 17, 18, 19 year old boys. They were teenagers who in a different world would be going to senior prom. Yeah. And instead, they were climbing 100-foot cliffs and defeating the Nazis.”


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