Sen. Rick Scott: Blame Bidenomics for Hungry Americans

(Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., said Bidenomics is to blame for the hunger crisis in America.

“Joe Biden destroyed our economy, and American families are feeling the pain,” Scott spokesperson Will Hampson told Florida Politics. “Bidenomics has led to higher grocery prices, which in turn is forcing many Florida families to decide between eating and paying rent or putting gas in their car. This is unacceptable.

“Meanwhile, radical Democrats refuse to even admit their party has caused this. The American people will send them a clear message when they fire Joe Biden in November and reelect Republicans like Rick Scott so we can get our economy under control.”

Scott’s reelection campaign cites a Credit Karma survey that shows 7% of Americans are apparently missing meals due to food prices. A total of 80% said they have noticed food prices increasing.

Scott also ripped into Biden over the president’s economic policy following the May jobs report Friday.

“It’s time for fiscal responsibility at the White House and in Congress and for the Biden administration to stop lying about job growth,” Scott wrote in a statement. “Under Joe Biden’s watch and his so-called economic plan, known as ‘Bidenomics,’ full-time jobs have decreased while the price of groceries, gas, rent, and mortgages have skyrocketed.

“Unemployment is now 4% and we now have more Americans working multiple jobs and part-time jobs.

“In what world can the administration say their handling of the economy is good? The Biden administration has killed jobs and the American people are feeling the consequences every day. Americans shouldn’t have to work two and three jobs just to make ends meet.

“It’s time Washington started living within its means, and I won’t stop fighting until that happens.”

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