Sen. Ron Johnson to Newsmax: Dems Want Open Borders for Political Gain

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., asserted in an interview with Newsmax on Thursday that Democrats are deliberately fostering an open border policy to bolster their political power, allowing millions of undocumented immigrants to enter the country unchecked.

“Well, again, they’ve allowed, during his administration now, 6, 7, maybe 8 million people to flood into our country here,” Johnson said on “Eric Bolling The Balance.” We don’t know who these people are: human traffickers, sex traffickers, drug traffickers, all the fentanyl overdoses, you know, members of the most brutal gangs from Mexico and South and Central America.”

Johnson suggested that Democrats are deliberately allowing illegal immigration to bolster their political influence, particularly in blue states. “The only explanation really is they just wanna see these individuals in blue states,” he said. “Whether they vote or not, they’ll be part of the census. They’ll plus-up the number of members of Congress in those blue states.”

He further claimed that nongovernmental organizations, some funded by American taxpayers, are encouraging illegal immigrants to vote for President Joe Biden upon arrival in the United States.

They “are actually handing out a sheet of paper to these illegal migrants saying when you get to America, vote for Joe Biden,” Johnson said.

“The mainstream media will pretty well cover up the rapists, the murderers that are occurring with the illegal population,” he said.

“They don’t have to [close the border] because they know the mainstream media will cover for them,” Johnson said. “That’s why I’ve been relentlessly saying they want an open border. They caused this problem.”

The senator said that such media and Democratic Party lockstep is detrimental to America, stating, “That’s why it’s so destructive to our democracy to have a highly biased media.”

Democrats have repeatedly refuted claims that their immigration policies are intended to manipulate the electorate, instead framing them as humanitarian efforts to address the root causes of migration from Central America.

However, Johnson said, “Democrats push mail-in balloting while they push absentee balloting, while they relax all the controls over those absentee ballots. Again, they want to make it easy to cheat. They want illegal immigrants coming to this country who are going to be beholden to the Democratic Party and keep them in power, turn this into a one-party nation.”

The Biden administration has faced criticism from Republicans and some moderate Democrats over its handling of immigration, particularly its decision to roll back several Trump-era policies aimed at curbing illegal immigration.

The mainstream media are “not going to be covering the fact that this is going to change our electorate. Instead, they say, ‘Oh, that’s replacement theory; you must be a racist,’” Johnson added.


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