Siena Poll: Biden’s Favorability in N.Y. Lowest Ever

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President Joe Biden’s favorability rating in Democrat-heavy New York has dropped to 42%, the lowest ever for him there, according to the latest Siena College Poll released Thursday.

Biden’s 3-point drop since May corresponds with a single-digit lead in the state over presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, making it the closest race in New York since 1988, when Democrat Michael Dukakis beat Republican George H.W. Bush by 4 points in an election won easily by Bush, according to the survey.

Biden defeated Trump by 23 points in 2020 but now leads Trump 47% to 39%, according to the poll.

Ronald Reagan was the last Republican to win New York in a general presidential election in 1984 at 54% to 46% over Walter Mondale.

“While Biden maintains the support of three-quarters of Democrats, Trump has support from 85% of Republicans and leads Biden 45-28% with independents,” Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg said. “A gender gap has reopened as men support Trump 46-42% and women favor Biden 51-33%. White voters are evenly divided. And while Biden has a commanding lead with non-white voters, Trump garners support from 29% of Black and 26% of Latino voters.”

With 6% saying they’re not sure, next week’s debate could bring Trump closer to Biden in New York. 

“Two-thirds of voters say they plan to watch next week’s debate between Trump and Biden, the earliest general election presidential debate in memory,” Greenberg said.

Biden led Trump by 10 points in April’s survey.

The Siena College Research Institute surveyed 805 New York registered voters from June 12-13. The poll has a margin of error of 4.1 percentage points.

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