Speaker Johnson: ‘Zero-tolerance Policy’ for Netanyahu Disruptions

(Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

There will be a “zero-tolerance” policy for disruptions during this Wednesday’s address to Congress by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, House Speaker Mike Johnson told lawmakers, warning that guests who disturb the speech may be arrested, Axios reported on Tuesday.

The Louisiana Republican wrote in a letter to colleagues that there will be an “increased police presence” in the House chamber during the speech and that “we will enforce a zero-tolerance policy for disturbances in the building,” adding that members should “warn their guests that law enforcement “will remove… offending visitors from the gallery and subject them to arrest.”

Netanyahu’s scheduled address has upset some Democrats, who oppose the prime minister’s handling of Israel’s war against Hamas terrorists in Gaza and have said they will boycott the speech.

A senior House Democrat told Axios he has “not heard” of any members planning to disrupt the speech, but “would frankly be shocked if one of the guests didn’t do that.”

In addition to boycotts, some lawmakers are also planning to attend events Wednesday seeking to counter-program the prime minister, including one with the families of Israeli hostages.

In preparation for potentially tens of thousands of protesters on Wednesday, congressional leaders have also been increasing security at the Capitol.

Johnson wrote in his letter that  “as members, it is incumbent upon us all to likewise model respect and proper decorum as representatives of the American people and our institution, and as ambassadors of the United States on the world stage.”

The House speaker continued that “it is our tradition to acknowledge every guest speaker’s right to free expression, even if we disagree with their viewpoint. If any member creates a disturbance, the Sergeant at Arms will request that such action be ceased immediately.”

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