Trump, Biden Race Tightens Nationally: CBS Poll

(Danielfela |

Donald Trump and President Joe Biden are essentially tied both nationally and across the collective battleground states, a new CBS poll shows.

In the survey, the former president’s guilty verdict in a fraud case in New York City pales as an issue in comparison totopics like the economy, inflation, and the border — all items on which Trump maintains advantages over Biden.

According to the poll, 49% of Democrats choose Biden and 50% of Republicans back Trump nationally; those percentages flip in battlegrounds.

It also found 47% of likely Biden voters in March said the main reason for supporting him was to oppose Trump; that number rose to 54% in the new survey.

Here are some other findings:

  •  Trump outpaces Biden on a range of qualities: on being tough, 66%-28%; energetic, 61%-26%; effective, 52%-38%; and competent 49%-40%. Biden beats Trump on compassion, 52%-37%.
  • Trump beats Biden on a vision for the country, 67%-51%.
  • 49% like the way Biden handles himself personally, 33% say the same about Trump; 51% dislike the way Biden handles himself compared with 67% who say the same of Trump.
  • 70%-30% approve of Biden’s executive order on migrants crossing the border.
  • 49% say Biden policies would increase illegal border crossings; 5% say Trump policies would do the same; 20% say Biden policies would decrease crossing; 70% say Trump policies would do the same.
  • 62%-38% favor the new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants.
  • 16% say they’ll be better off financially if Biden wins the election, 42% say the same if Trump wins.
  • 48% say they’ll be worse off if Biden wins; 31% say the same if Trump wins.
  • 36% say their finances would be about the same if Biden wins compared with 26% who say the same about a Trump win.
  • 81%-18% of Black voters back Biden over Trump.
  • 54%-45% of women back Biden compared with Trump.
  • 50%-48% of independents back Biden over Trump.

Nationally, 78% of Democrats say they’ll vote in the 2024 election; 90% of Republicans say the same. 

In battleground states, 87% of Democrats say they’ll vote and 86% of Republicans say the same.

The poll’s margin of error is plus or minus 3.2 percentage points among all adults and 3.8 percentage points among registered voters.

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