Trump Guilty of Unfailingly Embracing American Exceptionalism

(Editor’s Note: The following opinion column does not constitute an endorsement for any political party or candidate on the part of Newsmax.) 

Many Americans are understandably outraged by a guilty verdict that could send our former (and possibly future) president to prison because business records may have been misclassified, an incident from which jurors were allowed (encouraged) to extrapolate a more serious crime which the prosecution refused (or was unable) to identify on its own.

In 2007, former Presidential candidate John Edwards friends raised nearly $1 million dollars to help him conceal an affair with his pregnant mistress while he was running for president, at one point even allegedly arranging for a campaign aide to falsely claim paternity.

Although Edwards was initially prosecuted, the case was abandoned in 2012.

In 2024 we’ve reached a point where the U.S. Secret Service is in consultation with law enforcement agencies over how to incarcerate a president who used his own funds so that a porn star would stop accusing him of an encounter he vehemently denies and that allegedly occurred almost 20 years ago.

Subverting the fairest system of jurisprudence the world has ever seen, and shredding institutional norms is not merely about guaranteeing another four years of Barack Obama loyalists running the country.

There is much more to this than what it appears to be at first blush.

The progressive left running this country recoils at American Exceptionalism and is repulsed by the position that America is a special place, so they govern accordingly.

Patriotism is a visceral threat to their visions of dutifully taking marching orders from the global plutocrats that they so longingly yearn to impress.

President Trump looks great in a MAGA hat, he is also draped in the cloak of American Exceptionalism. He is a daunting, unwavering, and unapologetic embodiment of the view that America is a very special place, that countries respect globally, admire, and look to us for guidance.

American Exceptionalism is real, and it is an integral, fascinating, and inspiring part of what it means to be an American.

Unfortunately, it’s also high time that we recognize that Davos and the World Economic Forum (WEF) are also all too real and directly influence US domestic and foreign policies.

Global governance is no longer an abstract unrealistic idea and Biden administration officials are already embracing some of these initiatives.

They are Obama acolytes, and they are ecstatic about taking directions from Davos and other international organizations.

From the perspective of Trump’s unhinged enemies, these show trials should have “neutralized” the Trump campaign months ago and even more importantly (in their creepy and delusional mindset) he should now be a footnote in history, a cautionary tale for anyone else who would dare stand up for ordinary Americans wanting a government that puts America’s interests first.

A Trump conviction was supposed to be their version of a hanging on the courthouse lawn.

To their dismay, the Trump campaign is shattering fundraising records upon conclusion of the show trial.

Many Trump supporters are known for their enthusiasm and unbridled optimism and that is a key part of what has fueled this most unlikely movement.

Now is also a good time to take stock of how determined and well-organized Trump’s opposition is.

They will redouble their efforts to take him down by any means necessary; any sense of shame, decency, and fairness haven’t shown up yet.

Don’t expect any to be emergent any time soon.

Starting this summer and heading into the fall elections, we will see cunning attacks on our Democratic institutions in a well-orchestrated effort to cement chaos the likes of which will make the summer of 2020 riots seem like a fond memory.

Shadowy figures are consumed by a barking mad rage against President Trump that will once again mobilize a cabal of the most resourceful titans of industry and special interest groups against him.

If all else fails, they will attempt to scare the daylights out of Americans, boarding up stores once again and “predicting” the Country will “burn” if he returns to the Oval Office.

The nation’s liberal elite are heavily invested in a smooth transition to a crony corporatist system of government, with pre-ordained winners and losers, having nothing to do with ingenuity or hard work.

Another four years in power and they will keep our border wide open long enough for them to establish a permanent electoral majority.

“One who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived,” these words uttered by Niccolo Machiavelli have been reified by the Democratic Party war machine ever since Donald Trump walked down the escalator in Trump Tower in 2015.

They ecstatically launch one vicious hoax against him after another.

In order to achieve their dangerous and disastrous long term policy objectives they must personally destroy President Trump.

Total victory against him, his ideas, and his supporters is non-negotiable.

Brace yourselves . . . what we’re about to see unfold has never been unfurled against our democracy. Yes, Donald J Trump is on the ballot this November but so is American sovereignty.

And so are our decency, freedoms, rights, and the rule of law.

Nicholas Chamberas has advised good government advocacy groups, elected officials and political candidates on public policy matters as well as having served as a senior adviser on several prominent New York City campaigns. He holds a degree in Political Science and a Juris Doctor. Read Nicholas Chamberas’ Reports — More Here.

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