Trump: Harris Is ‘Total Radical on Abortion’

As he has sought to do for months, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump called out Democrats, and Vice President Kamala Harris in particular, as being “radical on abortion” and out of touch with the views of American voters.

“Kamala is also a total radical on abortion,” Trump told his St. Cloud, Minnesota, campaign rally in a speech that aired live and in its entirety on Newsmax and the free Newsmax2 streaming platform. “Should we talk about abortion? Do you mind for a second, right?

“When you compare my position on abortion to that of Kamala Harris, my position is — actually, it just polled — 8 points higher, and that’s because she’s a radical.

“She’s an absolute radical on abortion.”

Trump has hailed – for months – his nominations of conservative Supreme Court justices, which he credits with the reversal of the Roe v. Wade decision and the return of the political issue of abortion back to the states “where it belongs.”

“She wants abortion in the eighth and ninth month of pregnancy — think of that — and right up until birth and even after birth,” Trump said.

Trump denounced late-term abortion as “execution.”

“This is after this is an abortion, this is called killing,” Trump said. “This is called a word beyond abortion. This is called ‘execution.’

“Kamala supports taxpayer funds to pay for abortion for any reason. She even voted against legislation that would require medical providers to give care to babies born alive after an attempted abortion.

“They’re the radical ones.”

Letting states set laws regarding abortion is a just position, Trump maintained, despite taking some criticism from his own party for not pushing for expansive restrictions on abortion.

“This is the way it should be: Everybody wanted it back in the states: Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives, and legal scholars,” Trump said. “Every legal scholar wanted it back in the states. And then about 14 years ago, people started talking about the number of weeks, the number of months, the number of this, that.

“They wanted it back in the states, where people can decide. And that’s what’s happening.”

Trump, while hailing his Supreme Court nominees’ voting to overturn Roe v. Wade, said he supports exceptions for abortion.

“Like Ronald Reagan, I believe in exceptions for the life of the mother, rape, and incest. And I also believe that you have to follow your heart, but you also have to get elected,” Trump said.

“You have to remember that we have to get elected.”

The division in American over abortion needs to subside, Trump concluded.

“I want to thank the six Supreme Court justices — Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett — for the wisdom and courage they showed on this long-term, very contentious issue,” Trump said. “But getting it back to the states puts the question where it belongs: with the vote of the people.

“It’s going to work out incredibly well — just an issue that was tearing our country apart for years and years and it’s coming to an end, and people are coming together.”

The unity will bring the country together and reject the divisive policies of Harris, according to Trump.

“The American people are going to reject Kamala Harris’ crazy liberal extremism in a massive landslide,” he said. “We’re going to have a landslide because it’s going to be too big to rig.

“You know what too big to rig is? We’re not going to let her turn the United States into communist San Francisco.”


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