WH: Biden’s Awkward Video Moments All ‘Cheap Fakes’

(Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

The White House asserted Monday that every video the past few weeks that has shown President Joe Biden to be confused, addled, or frozen in time has one simple explanation — “cheap fakes.”

In an exchange with Newsmax chief White House correspondent James Rosen during Monday’s press briefing, press secretary Karin Jean-Pierre said that Republicans are engaged in “pure bad faith” by “diving” into “these cheap fake videos” that have cast Biden in a bad light.

Cheap fakes are defined as video that’s been altered by a human vs. their deepfake counterpart, manipulated by artificial intelligence to make it seem like a person did or said something that they didn’t.

Regardless, the White House is asserting that Biden didn’t wander off at the G7 summit, didn’t try to sit in a chair that wasn’t there, wasn’t zoning out and staring into space during a Juneteenth celebration, and didn’t freeze up at a Los Angeles fundraiser.

No, all “cheap fakes,” Jean-Pierre said in response to Rosen’s question.

“That was definitely a cheap fake,” Jean-Pierre said of Biden’s G7 moment. “That video was widely fact-checked, including by conservatives, at what happened, that what occurred, the president walked over to give a thumbs up to divers who had just landed right in front of him. And if you run that tape a little bit longer, you would see what was happening, what the president was actually doing, and it is a cheap fake.”

As for the Juneteenth incident, Jean-Pierre said, “the president stood there listening to the music and he didn’t dance. Excuse me, I did not know not dancing was a mental … was a health issue.”

“What you’re seeing right now is Republicans … [are] really diving into these cheap fake videos. And it’s in bad faith. That’s what I’m saying. What they’re doing is pure bad faith,” she said.

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