Will Andrew Cuomo Rise, as Eric Adams Sinks?

(Editor’s Note: The following opinion column does not constitute an endorsement of any political party or candidate on the part of Newsmax.)

All is not well in the “People’s Republic of New York City” these days.

For the past two years, New York City has endured an overwhelming influx of migrants arriving on its doorstep. Some used New York City as a way station to other destinations, while others remained and were given all kinds of goodies, like a fully-funded debit card issued at taxpayer expense.

That led New York City Mayor Eric Adams to become a full-throated detractor of the Biden administration’s lack of support and lack of a plan to stem the tsunami crashing on the Empire State’s shores.

That might have been a reason why Adams didn’t receive any invitation to the Democratic National Convention.

But beyond these occupational obstacles, Adams and his administration have become prime targets of federal authorities. Adams’ administration’s popularity has plummeted amid multiple federal corruption probes involving raids of his police commissioner Edward Caban, his schools chancellor David Banks, and his chief counsel Lisa Zornberg, both of whom recently resigned

And then news broke late Wednesday night that Adams had reportedly been indicted, and would be turning himself in early next week on what many are reporting as possible corruption charges.

The blood is in the water, and the sharks lurking in the darkest recesses of the New York political landscape are circling. Out of favor, and plagued by scandal, Eric Adams is bleeding out in the political waters.

One of those political sharks is disgraced former Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Cuomo has laid low for years to allow the shock and shame of the stunning revelations subside. In that time, the growing news of Adams’ imminent demise emboldened many in Cuomo’s orbit to put out feelers for a Cuomo comeback.

“His agents are spreading the word. They’re spreading the word that Cuomo is running,” a source told the New York Post.

Essentially, Cuomo and his minions are counting on his fellow New Yorkers to memory-hole his disgraceful behavior. But, that might not be so easy because the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, including two New York Republican Congresswomen gave everyone a refresher.

You need only look to the latest staff memorandum. That 48-page document details how then-Gov. Cuomo’s mismanagement of New York State’s response to COVID-19 cost the lives of over 15,000 seniors exposed to the deadly virus while in nursing homes, a re-confirmation of older findings from his own state that his administration played number games with the death toll of those seniors to cover-up his political complicity.

Not to mention his resignation in disgrace after numerous allegations of unwanted sexual touching that ultimately did him in.

Cuomo’s rehabilitation tour began to re-emerge in 2023, appearing on friendly media platforms who enabled their disgraced friend — friends like Anthony Scaramucci who sat idly by on his own radio show to allow Cuomo to re-cast himself as a victim of political opportunism.

Cuomo even had the gall to lash out at the families of the very loved ones lost during the pandemic who have relentlessly reminded all who will listen of what Cuomo did to their families.

“The attacks are just vicious. Vicious!” Cuomo told Scaramucci. ‘You didn’t care about people in nursing homes.’ How dare you suggest such a vile thing?

Maybe Cuomo needs a reminder about what “vile” is. “Vile” is issuing a flurry of advisories intended to guide hospitals and health care facilities which actually harmed the most vulnerable in our society.

“Vile” is withdrawing a nursing home’s ability to deny care to an incoming patient while further ordered that they cannot deny admission “solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID19.”

“Vile” is prohibiting nursing homes from testing those they are now compelled to admit for COVID-19 during the heart of the pandemic — something that every level of government regardless of party agree ran counter to all medical guidance from the CDC.

To this day, even Cuomo does not know who signed off on that order, except to testify that it was not him. Curiously, that viewpoint conflicts with multiple former Cuomo staffers including his own Health Commissioner, Dr. Howard Zucker, who testified that during the pandemic, “everything ended up having to go through the Governor’s Office.”

If Cuomo indeed has designs for Gracie Mansion in 2025, then voters cannot and must not ever forget the irredeemable acts and omissions during Cuomo’s tenure in Albany. Indeed, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) boldly proclaimed during a public shouting match with Cuomo that “You will never hold elected office again.”

If Stefanik is to be proved right, the work must begin now to stop Cuomo’s reemergence into public life.

Gene Berardelli is a street-smart New York-based trial attorney who has developed a solid reputation as both an election attorney successfully representing conservative candidates, and as an award-winning content creator and author of “Schnooks, Crooks, Liars and Scoundrels: A Field Guide To Identifying Political Buffoons.” — Click Here Now.

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